Communications Prizes


2021 Judging Guidance

2021 Judges
  • Hugh Bradlow (Chair, Communications Committee), Australia
  • Lucas Noldus (Deputy Chair, Communications Committee), Netherlands
  • Belgium
  • Canada
  • Prof. Dr. Frank Behrendt, Germany
  • Japan
  • Mexico
  • Prof. Dr. Afzal Haque, Pakistan
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom

Templates and Supporting materials

Framework: Provides an overall framework for the program, including background, process, and timeline for 2021.

National Submission Guidelines: Provides a formatted template that can be used by members to advertise their program nationally.

Entry & Declaration Form: Provides a template to be used by entrants that captures key information about their video entry.

International Submissions Guidelines: Provides details regarding the submissions from member academies for the overall CAETS competition.

Filming Guidelines: Provides useful information for entrants regarding how wo film their video with a smartphone, tablet or laptop.